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Tuesday, October 01, 2019

What Conservatives Must Understand About Black Americans

Over the years, many prominent conservatives have asked me why blacks are not more involved in the Republican Party and the conservative movement.

The answer is very simple: Conservatives have shown no demonstrable indication to the black community that we are welcomed by the party or the conservative movement.

As a matter of fact, conservatives force “real” blacks to make a false choice: to be black or conservative, as though we can’t be both.

Most blacks are conservative by nature and by upbringing. “Real” blacks don’t check their blackness at the door when they join a conservative group.

We still know and experience racism whenever we leave our homes. We still sometimes hear and experience racial insensitivities when we go to meetings of conservatives.

Is this done on purpose? Of course not, but it happens because the few blacks whom conservative surround themselves with tend not to have any connection to the black community.

They tend to be blacks who will go out in public and say things that a white person can only dream of being able to say and get away with it.

These are the blacks who claim they see no color; they claim racism doesn’t exist. They never miss an opportunity to criticize Al Sharpton. But they always seem to get a sudden case of laryngitis when a conservative says something negative or inappropriate about the black community.

Read the rest here..


  1. "Blacks don’t need to be persuaded; we are the most conservative group in the U.S. We don’t need to be convinced; blacks are already convinced that liberalism has destroyed the black community.

    "We need only be invited to become part of the team."

    This says it well, doesn't it?

    Let's get rid of the 'us and some of them' mentality and just make it 'us.'

  2. I left the Democrat party and never looked back , was welcomed by conservatives open arms

  3. It's time to stop catering to the black community. They are trying to swap handout affiliates. Start policing your own community. Start taking back your kids. Start becoming self sufficient. It's been 70 year's of welfare, affirmative action and many more government programs for blacks. If they can't get their act together by now. SCREW'EM. But to be honest. THEY DON'T WANT TO GET ALONG. THEY DON'T WANT TO GET AHEAD. THEY JUST WANT EVERYONE ELSE TO FAIL.

    1. You can’t really paint any race with such a broad brush. Hateful and narrow minded.

    2. Go away liberal


  4. It's sad that you feel the way you do, 5:41. Sure, there are some that are scammers and leeches, but in many cases it's because they were taught to be that way. The democrats have had these folks in virtual slavery for decades.. for many generations. The opportunities to learn the skills to be productive citizens weren't there-- the democrats made sure of that. And it will take a good while (and a lot of loving help) for many of them to emerge from that 'plantation' and stand on their own. But they are people, just like you, and they will surprise you if you will just get rid of that crappy attitude and reach out to help.

    1. And by 'help' please explain what help? More of the same old stuff? There is plenty of help out there! Make use of it and not abuse it!

  5. For a long time blacks have been stereotyped.; shiftless, lazy, incorrigible, entitled. They are people just like whites, Asians, Hispanics, etc. The blacks have been lied to and put down by the left. Rise up, stand with conservatives. Conservatives believe in prosperity through productivity.

  6. Mr. Jackson makes some good points. However, as a black person, I think it is about time that we think of Americans not by skin color, but as Americans period. Since leaving the Democratic Party and participating in conservative groups and the Republican Party, it has been my experience that I have been fully accepted based on my character, philosophy and my response to others and not by my skin color.


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