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Saturday, October 12, 2019

Officials warn against vaping THC over fears it is causing mystery lung illnesses dubbed 'EVALI'

As cases of vaping-linked lung illnesses mount to nearly 1,300 in the US, officials still don't know what in e-cigarettes is making people sick.

But vaping THC is a common thread in 76 percent of the reported illnesses, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are urging all Americans: 'Do not use e-cigarette or vaping products that contain THC.'

It's a slightly stepped-up warning and comes as early tests of confiscated cartridges and e-liquids found some have THC concentrations as high as 77 percent. On average, they were about 41 percent THC - still twice what's in a pot plant.



  1. i highly doubt THC is whats causing the illness. Probably some other filler ingredient.

  2. In a total poisoned world ..why in the likes of me would anybody want to inhale anything other that oxygen !....it's hard enough with everything we breath touch and ingest already !

  3. Where can I get them?


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