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Monday, October 28, 2019

Obama’s White House Photographer Spreads Conspiracy Theory About Baghdadi Raid Photo

Pete Souza, the official White House photographer during the Obama administration, spread a conspiracy theory Sunday that President Donald Trump was not actually in the Situation Room when U.S. forces conducted a raid against Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Trump announced Sunday morning that al-Baghdadi committed suicide after U.S. Special Operations forces stormed his compound in a planned Saturday night raid. The White House released a photo showing Trump and other administration officials, including Vice President Mike Pence and National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien, watching the raid unfold from inside the Situation Room.

Souza, however, suggested in a tweet that the photo was staged and insisted that Trump wasn’t even at the White House when the raid took place. He incorrectly claimed that the raid “took place at 3:30 pm,” during which time Trump was golfing, and that the Situation Room photo was not taken until after 5 pm.



  1. Obama's photographer, who IIRC was a government employee, is still smitten with Zero, and releases pics of his hero at intervals.

    My question: If he took pics on government time are they not gov'mint property and to have been surrendered when Zero left his rented digs on Pennsylvania Ave?

  2. does it really matter???Turn off the TV and there will be no more fake news

    1. 4:50- That's your answer? Ignore it and it will go away. Sounds like fairly ignorant advice. Guess what? That solves nothing and makes you even more ignorant.

  3. Youre darned right it matters 4:50pm ..... that Liberal, democraps lie with every word that comes out of their mouths to try to further their agenda and destroy good being accomplished for the United States.
    Keep sticking your head in the sand ... but its not going away.

  4. Obama’s PERSONAL LAWYERS in the situation room? I DEMAND A full close door one sided INVESTIGATION

  5. Obama needs to take his worthless, trouble making black a$$ back to Kenya and stay there and keep his big trap shut.


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