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Friday, October 11, 2019

NPR Poll: More Americans Trust Trump Administration Than Congress, The Media

A new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Poll released Thursday shows that more Americans trust the Trump administration than the media and Congress as a whole.

"The poll of 1,123 Americans was conducted with live telephone Oct. 3 through Oct. 8, 2019," according to NPR and asked a series of questions related to President Donald J. Trump's presidency. When asked, "How much do you trust Congress: A great deal, a good amount, not very much, not at all?" 66 percent of Americans said they trust Congress "not very much/not at all." 31 percent said they trusted Congress a "great deal/a good amount."

When asked the same question regarding trust about the media, 69 percent said they trusted our news "not very much/not at all." 29 percent of Americans said they trusted the media.



  1. That says a lot coming from an NPR poll.

  2. Northwest Woodsman: I’ll bet it killed them to report this! They are totally in the Marxist democrat camp.


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