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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Nolte: Media Pidgeon-hole Reports Confirming Trump’s Ukraine ‘Conspiracy Theory’

The fake news media are ignoring their own reporting that backs up President Trump’s so-called “Ukraine Conspiracy Theory.”

Oh, and another thing to keep in mind as the establishment media attempt to gaslight the public into backing impeachment, is that what the fake media call Trump’s “Ukraine Conspiracy Theory,” the Department of Justice calls an open investigation.

This hoax impeachment effort is looking to conflate two separate things into one conspiracy theory, which all connect to Trump’s July phone call with Ukraine’s prime minister and his request for that country’s help regarding possible corruption. By portraying Trump’s requests as a “conspiracy theory,” the media believe they can convince the public that Trump was just looking for dirt as opposed to the truth, which is how the facts prove Trump’s requests are perfectly reasonable.

The first is the Biden family using then-Vice President Joe Biden’s influence to enrich themselves by way of Hunter Biden’s sweet $50,000 a month — a month! — gig with a Ukrainian energy company.

The second involves Ukraine’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

We know for a fact Ukraine meddled in the 2016 presidential election to boost Hillary Clinton because the same media now telling us this belief is a “conspiracy theory” have already reported that Ukraine meddled in the 2016 presidential election to boost Hillary Clinton.



  1. How is it a hoax when the US ambassador to Ukraine is saying it was quid pro quo? Because Trump supporters are delusional and hate facts and reason?

  2. "
    How is it a hoax when the US ambassador to Ukraine is saying it was quid pro quo?..."

    Because nobody knows what the ambassador to Ukraine actually said. Do you know? Does anyone in the media know? Nobody knows because the "testimony" was taken in a closed room in the basement of the capitol building. Adam Schiff can say anything he wants because he knows there is no one who can say anything different.


  3. "...How is it a hoax when the US ambassador to Ukraine is saying it was quid pro quo?.."

    Schiff pressured and threatened him. He caved.

  4. 1012 is a communist

  5. the ambassador did not have direct knowledge of the situation. he is speaking what he is told


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