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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

NEW SMOKING GUN Docs Show Liberal Media Collusion to Target President Trump

Judicial Watch recently released two productions of heavily redacted FBI documents – 28 pages and 38 pages – about an April 11, 2017, “off-the-record” meeting set up by then-Chief of the Justice Department’s Criminal Fraud Section Andrew Weissmann, between the DOJ, the FBI and the Associated Press in which AP reporters provided information on former Trump Campaign Director Paul Manafort, including the numeric code to Manafort’s storage locker.

Two months later, in early June, Weissmann was hired to work on Robert Mueller’s special counsel operation against President Trump. Weissman then reportedly spearheaded the subsequent investigation and prosecution of Manafort.

Included among the new documents are two typed write-ups of the meeting’s proceedings and handwritten notes taken during the meeting by two FBI special agents.

According to a June 11, 2017, FBI write-up:

The purpose of the meeting, as it was explained to SSA [supervisory special agent, redacted] was to obtain documents from the AP reporters that were related to their investigative reports on Paul Manafort.

No such documents were included in the documents released to Judicial Watch.

During the meeting, the AP reporters provided the FBI information about a storage locker of Manafort (the Mueller special counsel operation raided the locker on May 26, 2017):



  1. We as a people need to start sueing corrupt media for their lies to the American public, even if it is $10 each × 67,000,000 million conservative votors, and that is per media outlet. Take $670,000,000 out of them and see if they continue their lies. If so, sue them over and over and over again

  2. Lock em all up for TREASON. ..

  3. There is plenty of proof of all the stench and corruption of The DNC , the media, and the previous administration officials.

    And not one will be held accountable.

  4. and now, the democrats have finally realized their massive mistake, as Mitch McConnel and Lindsey Ghram sprung their trap. Pelosi is now cornered by their joint motion/resolution..essentially Peosi runs the vote and watches their impeachment process go up in smoke 50 GOP Senators (with VP Pence being 51) terminate the impeachment OR Pelosi fails to have a vote (because she knows it will go nowhere) and realizes tht this was the last gasp of hope for democrats ....now, they have managed to burn down their own party, ruin any chance at all for 2020, and pretty much sink any hopes at all.....

    ...get the popcorn out kids, this is going to be FUN TO WATCH!


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