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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

MORE CORRUPTION: Hunter Biden Was Also Put on the Amtrak Board – Democrats Argued, “He Spent a Lot of Time on Trains”

In June 2006 Hunter Biden was also put on the Amtrak Board.

Senator Thomas Carper form Delaware argued that Hunter spent a lot of time on trains and therefore makes an excellent candidate.

Hunter Biden was voted on to the Amtrak board.

In the first half of 2006 Hunter Biden’s lobbyist firm made $1.76 million in lobbying revenue in the first half of 2006.



  1. I do not have a golden spoon. Just for a few people [ SPECIAL PEOPLE ]crooks.

  2. The hell with Hunter. Look what Joe did to Delaware after 36 years in Congress?? No GM. No Chrysler. No Dupont. No MBNA. Yet the moron's who vote in Delaware love anything Biden. Now they have another BAFFOON in coon. Delaware have some challenged people.

  3. I have driven GMC and Chevrolet cars all my life, 44 years! Does that qualify me to be on the board of directors? That's 44 years experience with GM products, service and parts, by their logic I should at minimum be a director of something for GM, right?

  4. Obama was real good at pretending he was a cool guy just trying to be President. However the amount of foreign and domestic corruption his office was involved in is mind boggling.

  5. Lets please give equal time to Don Jr., Ivanka, Jared and Eric

    1. For most of their lives, they have worked for family businesses not for the taxpayers. But I guess if your family is in politics you get put on as many political boards as possible.

    2. 7:36 “Equal time”? Dude really you can’t be that ignorant🤦‍♀️

  6. What is funny is hobos spend a lot of time on trains too. Just like the Clintons, there is dirt, and Biden and his ilk, including Republicans, have used their positions to gain wealth.

  7. I know Jim Beam and Jack Daniels real well
    Can I get a seat on the Board of Directors?
    At least a job in the Tasting Room!

  8. Funny I was on a train recently and noticed Dog Fish beer was the only beer being served at that time. It makes sense now. The man married his sister-in-law. Bo was a good man. The whore wife of his hooked up with Hunter in less than two weeks after Bo passed. Now he has dumped her and moved on to a younger whore. Anyone one else know why Judge Jane Brady was moved from Kent County back to Sussex. Because she is a republican and truly thinks Joe is a crook. So back to slower lower Delaware she went. Head Judge says crime problem in Sussex lol.

  9. IT IS MY UNDERSTANDING HE SPENT THE MAJORITY OF HIS TIME IN THE CLUB CAR LIKE HIS FATHER. Maybe he should be on the board of Seagrams or Smirnoff.


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