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Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Md. Lawmakers Claim Feds Use ‘Predatory Bait & Switch Practices’ To Detain Immigrants Seeking Marriage With Citizens

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Three Maryland congressmen are demanding ICE cease tactics used to arrest immigrants that they call “predatory bait and switch practices,” while immigrants attempt to lawfully marry U.S. citizens.

Rep. Cummings, Ruppersberger and Sarbanes were the authors.

They sent a letter to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Acting Director Matthew T. Albence, saying specifically that tactics used to arrest immigrants who are trying to do interviews related to marrying a U.S. citizen at the Baltimore U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services office.
“We request that ICE immediately cease this predatory bait and switch practice that prevents immigrants from accessing the legal immigration process and cruelly separates families,” wrote the Members. “It is concerning that ICE and USCIS appear to be coordinating to arrest immigrants attending marriage interviews at USCIS offices. Please provide any policies, memorandums, agreements, or guidance between ICE and USCIS related to this practice.”


  1. These Politians are supposed to be representing all Maryland citizens, since these matters effect all Marylanders. We Marylanders do not want these illegals in Maryland draining our tax dollars they should be going to the Vets, senior citizens and homeless.

  2. Well then, it MUST be working!! Keep it up ICE!!!

  3. What is a Politian?

  4. Let the citizen who wants to marry out of the country to do so, and then let them stay out...

  5. What country do these dumbocrats represent?

  6. just like the presidential phone call. I don't see an issue here .Just someone doing their job. Who cares what three a$$es from the ingrate governmental offices of the long lost state of MD have to say. Nothing but bullsh@t ever comes out of their mouths. Hell they couldn't govern their way out of the proverbial wet paper bag. Just looking for votes. If folks were doing things legally, they wouldn't be affected.


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