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Sunday, October 06, 2019

March For Trump update

Our spokesperson, Carol Frazier, will be be on WGMD radio (92.7, the Jake Smith Show) at 9:35 AM Monday October 6, 2019 promoting our tentative participation in the Trump rally in DC. (Tentative because we need enough riders to make it cost effective and practical to rent a bus.)
Folks, your vote, your voice, your religious freedom is in jeopardy . . . stand up for what you believe in. You have the opportunity to influence public opinion by showing your support for our President, you have the opportunity to show this president - - who has been under attack from day one - - that we stand with him.
And we will have fun doing it! A luxury bus, breakfast snacks, a movie on the way home, and a social either on the road or when we arrive home (TBA), depending on the time.

We are anticipating a cost of $20 per person.

WE MUST KNOW if we will have enough people by Thursday October the 10th, so that the bus company has time to reserve parking in the designated area. Please send email to 

( DoNothing.LoseAll@gmail.com ) or message us on our facebook page to confirm your participation, reserve a seat, or ask a question.

The rally starts at 10, so we're probably looking at a 6 AM start, we'll let the bus company make that call. We'll aim to be home by four'ish.


  1. Won't be as well attended as liberal marches. We all have jobs.

  2. Nor do we have Soros in our back pocket

  3. True we have jobs. True we dont have sores in our back pocket. But we vote Republican and support our president. God bless America.

  4. That’s why you need to man up and go and take a sick day. If you can’t take one day off for something important like this and then your job sucks to begin with.

  5. Worth taking off a day of work for this worthwhile event. Our president and country need us more than ever before.

  6. People your country needs you. You need to be standing with and always showing support for your country. Blindly following a politician and a party is NOT the definition of putting your country first.

  7. Ask not what your country can do for you ...

  8. I don't think it will be well attended because Oct.6th was on Sunday

    1. OCTOBER 17TH AT 10:00. READ AGAIN

  9. But what will it accomplish? Their is no consequences for the politicians if they keep trying to impeach. Im not knocking it down, just stating that it will accomplish nothing. Without real life consequences none of the politicians care, you can march all year if you want, they dont care.


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