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Friday, October 11, 2019

Major teachers union suffers loss following 2018 Janus Supreme Court ruling

The American Federation of Teachers has lost 76,000 members over the last year, a 4% decline for the now-1.7 million member union, one of the largest covering public sector workers. The decline has translated to $18 million loss in dues revenue for the union.

The drop in membership happened in the first year following the Supreme Court's 2018 ruling in Janus v. AFSCME, which said that public-sector employees cannot be forced to join or otherwise support a union. A substantial portion of the teachers the union represented decided to opt out.

In a recent Labor Department filing, the union reported just 3,000 "agency fee" payers, down from more than 85,000 the previous year. Agency fee payers are people who not members of a union but are covered by a collective bargaining contract which requires them to pay a union a regular fee. Janus said public sector workers can no longer be forced to pay those fees.



  1. I wonder how many Salisbury Middle teachers will drop their union membership given the unsafe and just downright conditions at SM? I mean, the association isn't doing a thing ...why spend money on an organization that does nothing for you?

  2. 9:41 I agree with you,if the union isn't going to see to it that their members have a safe environment to work in why have them.

  3. And now they have a red sign initiative to support public schools. In reality, it is to support the teacher's union, not students and teachers.


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