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Saturday, October 12, 2019

Left-wing Rioters Attack Trump Supporters Leaving Minneapolis Rally

Left-wing rioters attacked supporters of President Donald Trump leaving a rally in Minneapolis, Minnesota on Thursday evening — assaulting them in groups, setting fire to pro-Trump hats, and attacking the police.

Riot police stood by as members of Antifa were seen dragging steel fences away from the Target Center. They were filmed by Elijah Schaffer, a correspondent for The Blaze, a conservative news site — who was maced as he filmed.

Local Minneapolis Star-Tribune reporter Liz Sawyer noted there were several hundred rioters, and that some were singling out Trump supporters and surrounding them in groups before attacking them. Some also attacked police.

The Target Center had attempted to charge the Trump campaign hundreds of thousands of dollars for additional security. The rally itself — with a capacity crowd inside and tens of thousands outside — passed without serious incident, but local police seemed unprepared for the violence by anti-Trump rioters after the event was over.

More here with videos


  1. Antifa=Nazi brownshirts

  2. Cowards attacking women an unsuspecting elderly

  3. Yeah that's his contingency women and the elderly.

  4. The police were unprepared because they were ordered to be.

  5. Time to call them



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