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Sunday, October 20, 2019

King's Latest Interview

We need this guy.


  1. Hey salisbury did anyone else catch Jake Day "volunteering" all city of salisbury's department heads to help build porches for two of his "less fortunate" over on Ohio Ave? So you take over a million dollars in salaries and have them build ramps over in the hood for social media exposure? Your city administrator, police chief, literally every department head salisbury has!

    1. Wow. You're hating because they are volunteering?? Give it a break. I bet you'll have something hateful to say when receiving a Christmas gift??

  2. How about the brand new basketball court flooring Jake Day out in over at his community center on truitt street? I bet that cost a pretty penny and the only ones that use it are a bunch of old men and city employees. The building sits vacant all the time. Hell the flooring in that place is better than what they have at the Civic center

  3. How about the brand new basketball court flooring Jake Day put in over at his community center on truitt street? I bet that cost a pretty penny and the only ones that use it are a bunch of old men and city employees. The building sits vacant all the time. Hell the flooring in that place is better than what they have at the Civic center

  4. Whatched whole video and if he doesnt become mayor i say rigged like the #s for the festival

  5. I agree he does not have enough exposure, we need people to get the word out fast, election will be here before you know it! Tell your friends/neighbors about Wayne, anybody is better then our current mayor.

  6. Keep helping the crack heads on Ohio with my money and time ? I don't think so .

  7. 8:50 Or support. Sad really.

  8. the civic center actually offered the city their old basketball floor for free. they turned a free one down and bought that cheep sport court stuff. easy choice i guess when its not your money they're spending.

  9. Day could have hired a contractor and done the whole street for what he paid them for the days work. Yes I'm hating on Jake Day doing garbage like this right here at election time. It's so immature and predictable and all for nothing more than his selfie obsession and Facebook posts. I see his butt buddy Stevenson was right by his side acting important. Hell I guess when you've screwed up everything else you've attempted as a city career driving nails is all that's left

  10. I plan to attend the Mayor Debate I believe next Wednesday evening. Hope a lot of others plan to attend. Of course, I know Fake Days followers will all be there so hoping more can show up to listen to Wayne King speak.

  11. Wayne King definitely should be our next mayor he has a business background, and as we all know Jake the "Boy Mayor" has no experience, didn't take the advise of Homeland Security on the festivals, doesn't care about #1 crime, doesn't care about our city streets, derelict buildings, the homeless situation, pan handlers on the streets and store fronts. All he has promoted was the orange bikes, painted side walks, bike paths, blue plastic things in the city streets, 3rd Fridays downtown and more bars, 13 story buildings downtown, and a main street that never gets completed, and his favorites "selfies". He also endangered pedestrians on Riverwalk by taking down the fence along the river 2 dead floaters and counting, and also the dangerous roundabouts. WAYNE KING FOR MAYOR AND COUNTING THE DAYS!!!!! from your friend on Washington Street.

  12. All I can say is if Jake day hasn't proved to you by now that his word and reputation are garbage. He's a liar, manipulative, self absorbed thief of taxpayers monies. He spews all this concern for the poor and helpless while he's giving away millions to his buddies in city contracts. He's created a municipal welfare system giving jobs within city government to all of his so called friends. You've had almost 30 years of worthless, inexperienced leadership it's tiny for change

  13. As a former city of Salisbury employee Wayne King I will donate 6 months of my salary to your cause to move salisbury in the right direction again if elected. The catch though you've got to clean house with all the garbage Jake Day has done within salisbury's city government. I was given a SHI*** deal and had to sit back and watch this assbiter Stevenson get moved around city government on nothing more than his prideless ass kissing. The guy holds no credible credentials to be a department head of any city government. He's capable of supervision of a crew at best but NO ability to lead a whole department or city like tilghman, Ireton and Day have continued to literally just give this jerkoff. Let's not even bring up his incident with the former neighborhood code enforcement manager

  14. 7:11 says a lot, and it's true. No credentials, how can someone excel to the top without what's SUPPOSED to be required of the minimum requirements as posted on the job description?

  15. Actually took the time to watch Mr King on pac14 and it didn't take him long to see through Jake Day

  16. For Wayne King to win, supporters need to actively participate by educating Salisbury voters about Wayne's platform and experience, then get commitments that these people will show up to the polls and cast their ballots for Wayne.

    Face it, voters are lazy and need the differences to be spelled out for them.

  17. smallsbury is getting everything it deserves with its small minded ignorant attitudes. every single wasted dime coming out of your pocket. when only 8% of your population votes. jake and his ilk know this and are banking on it so they can steal more of your money with their back room deals.

  18. He has to clean up his FB arguments with people. It doesn't help

  19. 2:55 PM If you took the time to have an actual conversation with him instead of relying on a 2 sentence fb post you would find him intelligent and that he has a pretty great sense of humor. This whole perception is just a fake smear.

    Ironincally those trolling him on fb are jakes buddies from western maryland. 90% of them don't even live here.

    My perception is more like, how pathetic the lengths jake has to go to tarnish and create a fake narrative and image of another person.

  20. 2:55 PM
    maybe you should spend a bit of time on jake's page watching him insult his constituents, unless you are one of the MANY he has blocked, which is illegal for a government official.

    typical smallsbury politics

  21. If you live in the City of Salisbury and you think you may not be able to make it to the polls on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, you can go to the Wicomico County Board of Elections on Snow Hill Rd. to vote for Wayne King. They will allow you to fill out an absentee ballot to vote and put it in a sealed envelope. That way you can assure that your vote counts.

    Today, Friday, Nov. 1, is the last day to vote by absentee ballot so please go vote if there is a chance you won't be able to vote on Tuesday.


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