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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

JUST IN: GOP Storms Secret Impeachment Hearing-Dems Lose It, Threaten Ethics Violation

Impeachment war: Democrats threaten GOP with ethics charges for barging into closed proceeding

House Democrats threatened Republican lawmakers with rarely used ethics violations for trying to enter closed-door impeachment proceedings.

The threat came after Republican members of the House Armed Services Committee were ejected from the room after entering without authorization.

They wanted access, arguing the witness, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Laura Cooper, is under the Armed Services panel’s jurisdiction.

“Now we are being threatened with ethics violations,” Rep. Michael Waltz, a Florida Republican, said after leaving the room. “We, as sitting members of Congress, with jurisdiction over the witness, and over military aid, are being threatened.”



  1. Good for the GOP congresspeople for finally showing some guts. Now, back it up.

    1. 2:30- Finally? Gowdy and Jordan, both have the biggest ball's in Congress and both can "back it up."

  2. There is no limit to the lying and criminal actions taken by Democrats.Wake up America.

  3. The GOP reps should be arrested and put in jail for this illegal stunt. Have they no shame?

  4. Bring it on dumbocrats! Let's all start looking at ethics violations very carefully. I don't think you dumbocrats want to start looking at ethics violations. dumbocrats wouldn't know ethics if it was tattooed on their foreheads!

  5. @4:24

    Take off the snowflake glasses and read the article entirely, not just what you want to read.

    They wanted access, arguing the witness, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Laura Cooper, is under the Armed Services panel’s jurisdiction.

    “Now we are being threatened with ethics violations,” Rep. Michael Waltz, a Florida Republican, said after leaving the room. “We, as sitting members of Congress, with jurisdiction over the witness, and over military aid, are being threatened.”

  6. Here we go again 4:23 deflecting again .. republicans are rubber democrats are glue whatever they say bounces of republicans and sticks to you!! and democrats!!
    Glad to see them finally grow a pair about time..they need to shove the dems so far up the NWO arse they will never see sunshine again.
    You see democrats and their supporters like it up in there anyway. Enjoy your hard fall from grace you lying decept a cons. As your flushed with all the others scat and excrement

  7. Here we go again 4:23 deflecting again .. republicans are rubber democrats are glue whatever they say bounces of republicans and sticks to you!! and democrats!!
    Glad to see them finally grow a pair about time..they need to shove the dems so far up the NWO arse they will never see sunshine again.
    You see democrats and their supporters like it up in there anyway. Enjoy your hard fall from grace you lying decept a cons. As your flushed with all the others scat and excrement

  8. GO Republicans use the same tactics the Dumbocrats use. Show the Dumbocrats their bulling tactics can go both ways. Quit hiding the truth and let the Public know what you are doing, Let the Republicans participate with the Presidents council. What are you Dumbocrats scared of. Will you and your crooks and crooked ways be revealed?

  9. Northwest Woodsman: I really think we are headed for another revolution. Marxist democrat oppression is out of control and rational people will eventually reach a tipping point. Maybe within 5 to 10 years unless the attempt to remove president trump moves forward and the massive crowds of his supporters decide its time to take action.

  10. Ethics violations?! That's rich!


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