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Sunday, October 13, 2019

June 2020: Salisbury Pride Parade!


  1. Can we have a parade for straight people too?

  2. Once again the mayor catering to a select few even though I have a few choice words but out of respect Salisbury could have been better off with mr Joe as mayor I am hoping we get Wayne .

  3. Let me check....nope, busy that day.

  4. Puke, just puke. Jake you are one sick individual for allowing this BS as mayor of Salisbury. Vote Wayne King everyone.

  5. WTH is Jake Day doing??

    Only an idiot would vote for this FOOL!! This should be enough to impeach Jake Day!

  6. Jake Day and Julia Glanz is turning this $hithole Ghetto into another Rehomo Beach!

  7. Holy rape kit Bat Man

    I see Sherrif Mike Lewis in the photo with these clowns

  8. WHY IS THIS ALLOWED TO CONTINUE???? YES; I'm yelling!!!

  9. Day does this BS but will not clean up the Park. The river bans have grown up so you cannot se the river. You cannot see Picnic Island for trees, briars and weeds. Once beautiful park from end to end is now a ghetto. The big rock was placed on the rivers bank and is now covered from Picnic Island to the west end. This shows very poor leadership, better yet no leadership from Salisbury Politians

  10. What a sick world we live in. Absolutely disgusting.

  11. They sure ask for volunteers for EVERYTHING. If you want to have these little “parties” don’t ask for volunteers. Man up and host it.

  12. Why are we allowing this Q***R to make our city the laughing stock of the state? Where else do they have gay celebrations?

  13. Time for someone to organize a straight pride parade like they did in Boston.

  14. Enough with special treatment for this minority of people. This isn't about equal rights. Never has been. This is nothing but in-your-face pagan devil worship.

  15. "Special" olympics...

  16. Stay away from Salisbury

  17. I believe there is a Mayor Debate on October 23 if I am correct with Jake Day and Wayne King. I plan to attend but not sure where it is being held. Would love to hear Jake tell more lies and how great he is!!!

  18. Is anyone else sick and tired of ppl forcing their sexuality on the public at large. It’s none of our business who sleeps with whom. You don’t see straight ppl walking around screaming they’re straight so why do gays have to do it? Proves the adage. Give an inch and ppl will take a mile. Salisbury doesn’t have a massive gay population but once again minority rules, screw the majority. Unless they’re going to have a straight day parade, too!!! Salisbury still doesn’t have a working sewage plan but THIS is more important than fixing infrastructure. Vote irresponsibly and this is what you get. Haven’t you peeps learned from LA yet or do you think that’s only reserved for big cities, not country folk?

  19. Get ready salisbury you're in for a treat after your folk festival obligation! Jake and Julie are going to put you on the hook again hosting an annual event. Aaaaahhh poor old Jake Day is a legend in his own mind

    1. He should be reported to his C.O. in the Military....

      He dresses up in Uniform,and wears FALSE RANK on his collars
      attempting to impress others
      with his War Stories

      Jake Day needs to be reported

  20. May we schedule a Christian/Believer day? How about putting CHRIST BACK IN CHRISTMAS. Mike Lewis, I thought you were a God fea ring man . I had more faith.

    1. Woman of God too, but
      there is no where in the bible that states Christ was born on Dec 25th. Look up the history of the so called holiday. PAGANISM! But I do agree with having a day for believers!

  21. If you knew what Jake's plans are for salisbury you would do everything in your power to overturn this current leadership come November

  22. Heard through the grapevine Day and his mentally challenged Entourage are planning an annual event under the folk festival model only it will be a LGBT/transgender event. Enjoy three days and nights of that every year you suckers!

  23. Who is responsible for trying to turn SALISBURY into another STD REHOBOTH,DE.? This is disgusting. Don't we have enough other problems like the HOOD MENTALITY to be promoting this ABNORMAL CRAP.I don't care what people do in their bedrooms but don't try to push this bs on normal people and especially on our children.It seems as though 20% of the population is trying to force the other 80 % to accept their sexual or racial lifestyles and beliefs.IT IS SICKENING!!!!.

  24. Great I can see it now! Jake Day, Carl anderton and Dan O'Hare dressed in drag MC'ing and asking for donations.

  25. I am against same sex relationships, they go against my beliefs. So guess what, I won't attend or promote this event. But, it isn't my business if other do and I won't waste my time trying to change them to believe what I do. It is called being a grown up, many of you should try it.

  26. Careful what you wish for salisbury!! You've got a regular freak festival on the horizon. Jake Day's LGBT/transgender Mardi-Gras

  27. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    makes me sick.

    October 11, 2019 at 3:31 PM:

    If something someone else does that has absolutely NOTHING to do with you makes you sick, you are in for a short life.

  28. Nobody complaining about a parade has to go and watch it. Sheesh! Did any atheists or Jewish people say you couldn't have a Christmas parade? Or a float with baby Jesus on it?

  29. 10:27
    The Jaycee do the Christmas parade. Mountaire is sponsoring it this year. I would bet that the city spends less money on the Christmas parade than it will on this parade.

  30. How long will it be before it's legal to poop on main street like in California?The queers and criminals are now controlling Salisbury.

  31. @9:47 it's already legal for the homeless to take public baths downtown with city water sources so I'm sure there's alot of other "nice" things going on as well


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