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Friday, October 25, 2019

Ilhan Omar Blamed Trump for the Death of an Infant Who Is Still Alive

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) shared a New York Times story about a 9-month-old infant who almost died from a respiratory virus and how he was not covered by Medicaid. In sharing the story, Omar claimed the child died.

In a tweet on Thursday, Omar said his "death" was the "direct result of Trump’s cuts to Medicaid and CHIP. He is one of a million children to lose healthcare. Let that sink in."

Rep. Ilhan Omar✔@Ilhan
A nine month old died as a direct result of Trump’s cuts to Medicaid and CHIP.

He is one of a million children to lose healthcare.


  1. Statement from someone who married her brother...

  2. Why bother checking the facts when a lie will be more effective?

  3. Flood her inbox with fake stories and see which ones get a bite.

  4. Let this sink in, you loud mouth POS, you do nothing but constantly lie, like your pal Schiff, go home and never come back, and don't let the door hit you on your way out. Bye, see ya.


  5. No hospital could legally refuse to treat the infant, covered or not.

    If the infant had died, it would be the parents' fault, not the President's.

  6. Omar needs to go back to her home country definitely not the United States and needs to be impeached from the office she holds.

  7. All democrooks are liars cheaters thieves and murderers

  8. Whatever lie fits their narrative, as usual! That's okay, keep showing your true colors, Dims.

  9. Northwest Woodsman: According Marxist democrat rumors, president trump was too busy clubbing baby harp seals to death with a baseball bat to deal with this issue.

  10. Why hasn't she been deported yet?

  11. She is a democrat. There isn't one alive who is a good honest decent person. All democrats are filth and they all lie constantly. They are horrid disgusting wastes of air and they are all going to hell. God hates democrats. Keep in mind the evil POS cummings said in his lifetime Trump will never be president again. God showed cumming by killing him off and sending him to the devil to burn for his eternity.


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