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Tuesday, October 01, 2019

How MSM Impeachment 'Pollaganda' Shapes Public Opinion

Now that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has green-lighted the Demos’ Obstruction 2.0 charade — an “impeachment inquiry,” but without an actual House vote on this political theater — impeachment speculation churn has saturated every news-cycle loop. And that means (SHOCK) that when media outlets then poll public opinion on what they have been telling them 24/7, opinions will shift.

Recently, I pulled a top-of-the-fold headline from The Washington Post to demonstrate how the news cycle serves, in effect, as a mass “push poll,” or what we coined years ago as “Pollaganda” — “mainstream media saturation of news-cycle loops with a particular narrative bias, then polling media consumers for their perspective as shaped by that narrative or bias.” It is an incestuous cycle of media deception.

Consequently, public opinion is shifting on impeachment of Donald Trump.

After the Democrats’ Obstruction 1.0 charade was exposed for the fraud it was in the final Mueller report, poll numbers supporting impeachment dropped significantly.

However, Democrats and their Leftmedia propagandists have now re-fired their base with their latest ruse, and accordingly, polling in support of impeachment has climbed. In July, a Quinnipac poll reported that 32% of Americans supported impeachment. In August, a Monmouth poll reported 35% support for impeachment. By the end of September, the Politico/Morning Consult poll reported 43% support for impeachment.

Completing the impeachment Pollaganda cycle comes this headline from The Hill:


  1. Its all a sham, propaganda, deep state, secret coup. But then again Trumps own hand-selected official has stated, on the record, as a part of official testimony, that the whistle blower acted in good faith, followed the law, showed no political bias, and had a very valid complaint. Not to mention that he would be willing to go to the mat to protect the whistle blower. So there's that. Keep up your smoke, mirrors and fantasy land though.

    1. He believed it was in good faith and will go to the mat to protect all whistle blowers. It was all policy questions. He doesn’t no ANYTHING about it other then he is a whistle blower. Stop lying.

  2. Only the weak minded fools listen to MS-LSD...

  3. The only day the polls matter is on election day.
    We've seen how the majority of the voters feel about MSM propaganda. Heck, on November 7, they still had Lying Hillary ahead by 29 points. Go figure.


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