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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

'Hong Kong lives also matter': Freedom protesters trample and burn LeBron James jerseys

A crowd of Hong Kong freedom protesters took to the streets to burn LeBron James jerseys after he said Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey "wasn't educated" in his support of them.

"People are angry," James Lo, a NBA fan in Hong Kong, told the Associated Press on Tuesday. Lo was part of a group of around 200 people who chanted profanities about James while they trampled and lit several of his jerseys on fire.

"Students, they come out like every weekend. They’ve got tear gassed and then they got gun-shot, like every weekend. Police beating students and then innocent people, like every day. And then he (James) just comes up with something (like) that. We just can’t accept that," Lo added.



  1. If the US will throw the Kurds under the bus for Turkey, do these protesters really think we are going to lose a wink of sleep doing the same for them when it comes to China??

    1. 10:22 You sounds as ignorant and uninformed as Lebron.

  2. Lebo J needs to keep his mouth shut. He knows nothing about hong kong. The only thing he knows about is a bouncy round ball

  3. This is what you get when our schools are indoc centers for marxism. Communist sympathziers. Welcome comrades to the new age!!

  4. 10:22 that was done as a gift for Putin.

  5. 10:54 just because you don't understand the curriculum doesn't mean it's communist lol. Keep slaving away at your blue collar job while the people you elect pay less taxes than you - capitalism is best after all right?

  6. Your right 11:15 I don't understand the curriculum when it involves Communist indoctrination into marxist ideologies. Im am read and educated enough to know the difference but I would rather slave at a blue collar job In a A capitalist system (which is incorrect im a white collar guy) then under a Communist regime. Since it would not matter because I'd be a slave no matter what collar I wore. I do not want to be a slave to the state, in the USA the dollar is freedom

  7. Is this the same league that changed the name of the owners from 'owners' to something else because it was too close to slave owners and therefor offensive to the overpaid players??
    Oh, yeah, that's right.


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