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Saturday, October 19, 2019

Hillary Clinton Attacks Tulsi Gabbard and Gets Absolutely Wrecked In Response

After CNN pretty clearly tried to handicap Tulsi Gabbard at the Democrat primary debate earlier in the week, she’s been the topic of several stories. Apparently Gabbard trying to go for the jugular against Elizabeth Warren got the attention of Hillary Clinton. She chimed in during an interview to take a very direct shot at the Hawaii Congresswoman.
Hillary Clinton doesn't just predict the Russians will support Tulsi Gabbard as a third-party candidate; she also calls Jill Stein "a Russian asset -- I mean totally."
Full context: 
Hillary’s spokesman would go on to confirm she was talking about Gabbard later in the day. 



  1. I hope Pocahontas gets to run against Donald and picks Hil-liar-y as her running mate... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE....

  2. Perhaps she finally understands that she’s not electable and this is some scheme to win favor and connive with her candidate of choice.

  3. Hillary is an "ass-et"

  4. You are joking - RIGHT😂

  5. Never underestimate anyone.


  6. Tulsi is a Major in HI Nat'l Guard. And she is as committed to the Socialist/Democratic plan and platform as the rest of the clown car. But she has staked out an approach, on stage, that seems more moderate. Still a Socialist though. Prettier face but same corroded soul.

    But if Tulsi is a Russian marionette, as Hillary alleges, what does that say about Hillary? She must be at least a Lt. General in the KGB by now!


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