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Thursday, October 31, 2019

Harris Statement on Impeachment Vote

WASHINGTON, DC: Rep. Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01) released the following statement regarding the vote held today in the House of Representatives on H. Res. 660, to continue the hearings on the impeachment of President Trump.

Rep. Andy Harris made the following statement:
“I am certainly not voting to justify the continuation of Soviet-style secret hearings orchestrated behind closed doors to impeach the President. This is a sham – a fig leaf that fails to cover up an illegitimate hyper-partisan inquiry.”
For media inquiries, please contact Congressman Harris’ Washington, DC office at 202-225-5311, or contact John Dutton at John.Dutton@mail.house.gov.


    How will we know if the facts and evidence don't come out. Come on you patriots, if this were Obama you would be screaming

    1. The facts and evidence do not exist. We saw the transcript. The only thing that will come out are lies spewed by the democrook party. Communist I say
      Bye bye cupcake

  2. go back under the bridge 2:12!

  3. Right on with your remarks Andy. Anyone with half a brain should realize by now that the democrats' actions and behavior are simply a diversion designed to keep the spot light off the corrupt and illegal behavior conducted by and during the Obama administration and continues to this day with the deep state's participation.

    This will eventually be shown to be what it is, a complete and total fraud and scam. However, just like the Mueller Report, it will not end there, another scheme will be devised and thrust upon the
    American people in order to dominate the agenda, media and congresses' time to delay and stall the Democrat Party, its leaders and politicians from being held accountable for their crimes and violations of the Constitution. Mean while, trade treaties, drug pricing and working for the people as they promised goes unattended.

    What a sick bunch! Well I guess I should not be surprised coming from a Party that fought a war to keep people in slavery, started the KKK and did not support civil rights!

  4. I agree 100% with Harris.

  5. 2:12 How can the facts come out if they’re holding secret meetings? And btw why hold secret meetings? Do the Dems have something to hide? I have a feeling you wouldn’t know the truth if it hit you in the face.

    1. The secret meetings are to think up their strategies and get all the lies straight so that everyone of them can tell the same lie and not get crossed up in their stories

  6. Typical no due process

    this is going no where

    they are pissed because they lost 2016

    lol....they will loose again in 2020

  7. If this was Obama it never would have happened. Oh wait, it WAS the Obama administration (Biden) and it didn't happen and you still don't care. SMH.

  8. What truth have not been told? lies from dems is not truthful...Obama had a reason to be impeached!!!he is not a citizen and he is a criminal for spying on trumps campaign..you dems are sick in the head

  9. I never thought I would live long enough to see this happen.GO TRUMP KICK THEIR ASS, THAY MAKE ME SICK.


  10. Thank you, Dr. Harris for your service, and comment on the Pelosi-Schiff kangaroo court. Our Founders took on King George to eliminate practices like this and to frame a society of laws based on our Constitution.

    Many do not realize Dr. Harris' parents were immigrants from a Communist country. Their son is a physician, a Naval Officer, and most recently, our Congressman. Keep fighting for us, Andy!

  11. Ya got my vote, Andy.


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