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Sunday, October 06, 2019

H2O 2019 - "ABSOLUTE MAYHEM" World-Star Edition! (Language Warning)


  1. I'm older and wiser now but when I was a kid that would have looked like a lot of fun. You can't stop kids from doing stupid stuff.

    1. You can stop thousands from destroying a town though

    2. I couldn’t help but smile watching the video.

  2. Heard that 3:20 PM. My buddies and I used to drag race on the country roads.

  3. 3:20 you are correct, but this was truly the ultimate in stupidity. On both sides. The kids and the law. Unfortunately this is probably a sign of the times and if so we don't have to worry about climate change because we are already doomed.

  4. Looked like Antifa took over OC.

  5. Looks entertaining to me.

  6. Why wasn’t Ocean City prepared for this?

  7. hell let me know when the next one is I want to sell tickets to the show! lol!

  8. Northwest Woodsman: I firmly believe that this activity is not an integral part of our culture and the civilization we created. Close association with a violent, minimally civilized ethnic group has caused a breakdown in our values and our behavior. Reaching for the lowest common denominator is what I consider it to be.

  9. more proof for Annapolis - they keep making these videos and putting them online...they are asking for trouble and I fear they will get it come next fall

  10. @ October 2, 2019 at 9:49 PM The Woodsman

    Vague vagueties are vague.

    Most of the cars and types of vehicles represented at this event would be considers "rice burners", a slang derived from the fact that most of these vehicles are modded Japanese brand cars... and that this fad developed in the Asian communities on the West Coast.

    So... which ethnic group were your talking about?

  11. Wow what little darlings. Parents did a bang up job of raising a bunch of brats who will never amount to anything.

  12. They are kids. We all did some stupid silly staff in their age or everyone forgot? Of course, noine remembers anything any more. Like you all were angels. At least some action happened in that lit village. Smth To laugh at and remember

  13. Well, most of us were not angels, but we didn’t create a riot


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