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Friday, October 18, 2019

Guidance Sought On Homeless Issue At Transit Centers; Progress Reported By Outreach Team

OCEAN CITY – Homeless individuals and weekend visitors sleeping in public areas in and around the resort highlighted this week’s meeting of the Ocean City Police Commission.

On Wednesday, officials with the resort’s public works department came before the Ocean City Police Commission to highlight the growing number of homeless individuals sleeping at transit facilities and weekend visitors sleeping in the Inlet parking lot and along the beach.

“We have an issue, as you are probably already aware of, and we wanted to just remind the group as we head into the fall and plan for next summer what we face,” said Public Works Director Hal Adkins.

By way of background, a concerted effort to address the homeless population in Worcester County began last year, as homelessness on the Ocean City Boardwalk – particularly in the area of the Caroline Street comfort station – started to gain the attention of residents, visitors, resort agencies and media outlets.



  1. As if OC is unique? What successes do other resort towns have?

  2. Oh the woes of being the rich end of the county.

  3. They don't care about the homeless they don't make a noise. They just trash up the place and leave drug paraphernalia laying around along with the crime factor. Remember OC is a Family resort and they are considering Homeless as family.

  4. Northwest Woodsman: I have a dentist friend who had issues with street bums sleeping on his doorstep and around his office. I installed a sprinkler system that was out of reach and a timer that came on intermittently throughout the night. The bums moved on to other locations very quickly. Problem solved.

    1. So much for saving water during a drought. I WONT be going to that dentist. Smh

  5. How about a baseball bat and a cloth blanket?

  6. October 18, 2019 at 3:41 PM yea because everyone loves the smell of piss while they are walking into their dentists office.

    The homeless at the comfort station are down right rude and a health hazard. We were there and they had blood stained cardboard covering the cement bench, where they set up home and were sleeping. ONe women was going on about how the homeless men are paid to clean up the bedbug infested apts/ hotel rooms. They were monopolizing the area. When we complained OC staff said it wasnt a crime to be homeless. My comment was how lovely a sight the blood stained cardboard and what a health hazard it was and how no one wanted to bring home bed bugs from their visit to OC just because they had to go pee at the comfort station. that pretty much shut up that twit. OC doesnt care that they are there. They only act like they do when the press writes an article because a year later from our encounter, they are still there.


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