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Thursday, October 10, 2019

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich: Trump 'Absolutely Justified'

President Donald Trump is "absolutely justified" in saying he won't cooperate with the House Democrats' impeachment inquiry, and in ordering the U.S. ambassador to the European Union to stay away from a House deposition about the Ukrainian controversy, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Wednesday.

"What (House Speaker Nancy) Pelosi and company are doing is an absurdity," Gingrich told Fox News' "Fox and Friends," complaining Democrats are staging a one-sided attack on the president. "Everybody in Watergate appeared in the open. Both sides got to cross-examine them. The same thing happened when we impeached (Bill) Clinton in the House in 1998. Remember, we had a report from independent counsel that used the word guilty on 11 different counts."

Meanwhile, former special counsel Robert Mueller never used the word guilty once, which frustrated Democrats, said Gingrich.



  1. God bless America and God bless President Trump...

  2. Somebody should bless him ,...he will need it when he is locked up

    1. 11:53 I want some of what your smoking😉

    2. 1153 am

      that must be that commie progressive Josh Hastings running his mouth about MY PRESIDENT TRUMP

  3. The closest he'll come to being locked up is paying a courtesy visit to Hillary and her gang members.

  4. He’s done. The layers of corruption are starting to come away exposing the treacherous POS he is. I don’t care if he gets locked up, only that he’s removed from office ASAP.

  5. 1:19 Was that sarcasm? Has to be because there is no way you are dumb enough to believe there is no corruption in Washington besides Trump. You just can’t possibly be that stupid🤦‍♀️ Majority of Congress are career politicians coming out of office as millionaires and billionaires on your tax dollar. But yea orange man bad🙄

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Somebody should bless him ,...he will need it when he is locked up

    October 10, 2019 at 11:53 AM

    And what pray tell will he be locked up for? They have been looking for over 3 years and found nothing so far. Accusations, innuendos, rumors, etc., but no charges much less any convictions. Dimwits keep focusing on the bs but totally ignore the great things he has done for this country and its citizens.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    He’s done. The layers of corruption are starting to come away exposing the treacherous POS he is. I don’t care if he gets locked up, only that he’s removed from office ASAP.

    October 10, 2019 at 1:19 PM

    Can you name any of those layers of corruption? Any charges? Any evidence? Seriously. Trained professionals could not find any but maybe you are better than them?


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