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Thursday, October 31, 2019

Fire coverage yanked from 350,000 residents in response to PG&E power blackouts and ‘fire risk’

Why Americans continue to elect Democrats, whose policies are tyrannical and economically destructive, is a mystery.

That is especially the case in California, which is a case study in authoritarianism when one political party possesses a super majority.

Recently, California – an arid state despite the fact that it has a large Pacific coastline – suffered through several very destructive, deadly wildfires that many experts blamed on the Democrats’ goofy, nonsensical environmental policies.

In particular, environmental policies that prevent energy companies from clear-cutting dead brush and trees away from power lines.

“California has a lot of public land, federal land and state land, and there are strict restrictions on a lot of that regarding logging and even removal of dead and diseased trees,” notes Bonner Cohen, a senior fellow at the National Center for Public Policy Research. “You have tinderboxes brought to you courtesy of either the federal government, or the state government, or – tragically in some cases – both.”

But rationality isn’t something that guides Democratic environmental policy-making in California. As such, the state’s residents suffer.



  1. As ye sow, so shall ye reap..

  2. God paying back California.

  3. Geoengineering is responsible
    Not Democrats

    1. Sorry cupcake, Pacific gas and electric told the state years ago the lines needed to be buried. But nooooo, they want windmills and solar panels. They are wollering in their own mudhole. Too damn afraid to cut 100 trees to save 10000. And by the way isn't that just like a lying democrook trying to pass blame off. Burn baby burn. Bye bye snowflake

  4. How much does CA add to global warming by having all these fires that could have been prevented?

    1. No wonder its 80 degrees here in Maryland today! The heat from those fires has crossed the country!

    2. A massive amount

  5. Agenda 2021 & Agenda 2030. It's all there.

  6. This is what you get with Democrats.

  7. Trump told them back then they wouldnt have these fires if they would clean up the areas around these power lines. Democrats response your racist and that wouldnt fix anything. MMMMMMMM burn baby burn NO power keep electing DEMOCRATS they have the answers

  8. 403
    The fires block the sun rays.
    That is their purpose.
    Cutting the electricity is a Psyop in my opinion.

    Thank you


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