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Friday, October 11, 2019

Fenwick Residents Blast Proposed Wind Farm Deal; Transmission Project At State Park Questioned

FENWICK ISLAND — A proposal last week to swap an area of the Fenwick Island State Park to the developer of a proposed offshore wind farm in exchange for millions of dollars in amenities has rankled homeowners in the neighboring community.

One week after proposal to swap an area of the Fenwick Island State Park to the developer of one of Maryland’s two offshore wind projects for an onshore power station in exchange for millions of dollars in amenities at the otherwise quiet park, a coalition of homeowners has fired off a letter to state officials seeking to have the project derailed.

Last week, the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) Division of Parks and Recreation announced a proposal which, if approved, would allow the Danish company Orsted to construct an onshore power transmission station in the Fenwick Island State Park in exchange for amenities in the facility including new restrooms, lifeguard housing, pavilions, a visitor’s center, a nature center and other facilities. Orsted is one of two companies that hold permits for future wind energy farms approved by the Maryland Public Service Commission.



  1. Hey all you pompous arse libtards you want alt energy but not in your back yatd!! HA! suck it up

  2. Northwest Woodsman: That sounds like blackmail. Marxist democrats will want to impeach someone.


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