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Thursday, October 03, 2019

Eric Holder Claims 2020 Will Be ‘Hard’ for Dems Because ‘Republicans Are Going to Cheat’

Former Attorney General Eric Holder believes that the 2020 presidential election may be a difficult one because he believes Republicans will “cheat.”

Holder, who served in former President Barack Obama‘s administration, spoke on “The Breakfast Club” radio show where he made the claim.

“It’s going to be hard because the reality is that Republicans are going to cheat,” he said of Democrats’ chances in 2020, adding, “They’re going to try to keep people away from the polls. They’re going to move polling places. They’re going to do a whole variety of things.”



  1. Liberal thug life.

  2. Give me a break! The dems have done nothing but cheat for a century or more!

  3. These a$$hats still think they matter. Holder makes me laught.

  4. He who smelt it felt it...

  5. Can't wait for this Lowlife's court date.

  6. Hold this is a piss ant. 2020 will be hard for Libbies...

  7. Uhhhh, Eric, pssst, it’s the left liberals who cheat

  8. Well Eric how about some voter ID. That is what we have been saying for years.

  9. I am rubber you are glue whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you

  10. If the dems don't win, it's obvious that they must have been cheated. This is the new normal BS. I'm sick of the dems not conceding election loses. Whatever happened to accepting the election results and working together. THIS CRAP HURTS OUR COUNTRY.


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