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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Donald Trump Jr. rips Romney: Conservative 'in name only’

Donald Trump Jr., beginning an anticipated busy tour to promote his upcoming book, Triggered, is urging supporters to send copies to top Democratic critics of the White House and GOP Sen. Mitt Romney to help “educate them” about the campaign to undermine his father, President Trump.

To draw attention to his effort, he unveiled a new website that plays on the title of his book, Triggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us, called “Trigger a Liberal.”

On it, he lists several lawmakers and their addresses he wants supporters to send a copy of the book to: Romney, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and Reps. Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Adam Schiff.



  1. His alias should not have been Pierre delecto, it should have been Benedict arnold

  2. Before Donald Trump ran for President, he was a Democrat and even donated money to Hillary Clinton.
    So don't pretend he's a conservative.

  3. I heard he has a magical rock and hat. Idk if this is true.


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