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Friday, October 11, 2019

Democrats turning California into a third-world hellhole: Going without electricity edition

Democrats are turning California into a third-world hellhole without electricity, water, and freedom.

Due to Democrats' love for trees, at least 800,000 Californians will be without power for several days. Instead of properly managing California forests to reduce the chances of big fires, Democrats are saying Californians have to go without lights, refrigerators, and air-conditioning. Democrats could also avoid this by not making the power company financially liable for all forest fire damages, but since PG&E is a company, not an illegal alien, the Democrats couldn't care less about doing what's best for California.

While they try to blame climate change and the infrastructure, the reality is that neither of those has caused any significant changes in the last ten years — but now, suddenly, due to Democrat policies, Californians have to start living in the 18th century.



  1. Northwest Woodsman: Once lived in CA long ago and always used it as my baseline for great places to live. That was before the Marxist democrats took charge and opened the floodgates of crazy liberalism that subsequently has destroyed the state. I know there are a significant number of sane conservatives left, however they are out numbered and will have to suffer because of liberal indoctrination, voter fraud, and just plain stupidity that gets the likes of Mad Max, and crazy Nancy. Deal with it and I hope to never set foot in the state again.

    1. Their liberal ways are killing the state, but they don't have the mental capacity to understand

  2. A beautiful state ruined by liberals.

  3. wow and Trump was right again LOL goodbye California dont forget take Harris Pelosi with you

  4. I absolutely dread whe I am required to go there on business.
    If I had my choice, I would build a wall between Commifornia and the rest of the U.S.

  5. California is the

    SODOM AND GOMORAH in our time

    Our God will not be mocked by this Evil

  6. They are reaping what they have sown.

  7. Fires were ignited anyway. Go see high impactflix / blogs and see the ignition blasts.

  8. Napalm that poop hole


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