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Monday, October 07, 2019

Democratic Thought Leader Praises ‘Moral Compunction’ of Red China

Center for American Progress president Neera Tanden had some kind words for the leaders of Red China on Friday, praising the communist regime for its "moral compunction" in standing up to President Donald Trump.

In response to Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi's apparently reliable assertion that "China will not interfere in the internal affairs of the US," as reported in an apparently reliable Chinese newspaper, Tanden wrote: "This is so humiliating- that we have a president willing to cheat but China has enough moral compunction not to help him."

Perhaps the Chinese foreign minister can be taken at his word. Or perhaps not, given China's relentless past efforts to "interfere" in U.S. affairs through cyber warfare during the Obama administration, the admission of which was also humiliating for the United States.

Tanden, a former close aide to Hillary Clinton who was in line to become White House chief of staff before Clinton suffered one of the most embarrassing political defeats in American history, was a recurring character in the hacked emails published by Wikileaks.


[The Center for American Progress is a Washington, DC-based liberal think tank created and led by John D. Podesta, the head of Barack Obama's presidential transition team after the 2008 election and former Chief of Staff for President Bill Clinton. CAP receives money from George Soros through two of his nonprofit groups, the Foundation to Support Open Society and the Open Society Institute. --Editor]

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