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Monday, October 28, 2019

CNN Uncovers Evidence Hero Dog Sniffed Dozens Of Butts Back In College

U.S.—Everyone praised the classified "Hero Dog" for taking down ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Everyone, that is, except CNN, who quickly searched through the dog's internet history and college yearbooks. Sure enough, CNN found a picture of the Hero Dog partying at obedience school. In the picture, the dog is seen sniffing a butt without consent.

"Oh yeah, good old [redacted]? He was nuts!" said one German Shepherd who attended Old Yaler Obedience School with the hero dog, according to a CNN report. "He was always sniffing any butt he could find. Cats, dogs, humans, you name it. He didn't have a preference. He identified as pansniffual."



  1. Also loved wet food and would take other dog treats from sleeping defenseless puppies. This dog was known to snore and spill water a complete menace. Formal investigation is required

  2. That’s funny right there!

  3. Sad but true parody. I'm still shaking my head over the WaPo headline.
    That's like calling Hitler a well published author and charismatic world leader.

  4. Oh my God, what will the news media
    start next! They are disgusting!

  5. He probably drove with no lights on in the rain too.

  6. Bill Clinton also Sniffed plenty of Butts in college !!!


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