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Thursday, October 31, 2019

Chuck DeVore: California wildfires are 'one of the most preventable tragedies in human history'

The wildfires ravaging California are "one of the most preventable tragedies in human history," according to a former California state assemblyman.

"We’ve seen this coming for a long time. We have half the people working in California today that used to work in the logging industry because environmentalists and their political enablers have shut down the timber industry in California and when you don’t log the timber, eventually, it’s gotta burn,” Chuck DeVore said on “Fox & Friends” after pointing out that Gov. Gavin Newsom has blamed "capitalism, global warming," and the Pacific Gas & Electric company.

DeVore's comments came after Newsom declared a statewide emergency Sunday after multiple wildfires prompted the evacuation of nearly 200,000 people from their homes. Mandatory evacuations were ordered Wednesday morning in Southern California as a rapidly moving wildfire ignited and burned in Simi Valley, near the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.



  1. Just like in MD you cant fix democrat stupidity. They all need to be voted out, but as we know they all cheat, lie, deceive, steal, let illgals and the dead vote. So unti we start seeing these criminals being locked up in mass ..nothing will change

  2. Really 9:57 , are you that stupid to put a remark
    on such as this when people's lives/ property,animals
    and environment is being burned.

    1. Yeah really, they are to stupid to cut down 10 trees to save 10,000. Then they will beg for a federal bail out, with my tax dollar. Then they wont use the money for what it is supposed to be used for. Look at the rail system. Then there is the thing about sanctuary cities. So now they are aiding and abbedding criminals. They are nearing the point of being responsible for restarting the black plague with the 10s of thousands of homeless i. The street, of which they made homeless. Now asking for more criminals "ilegal aliens" and then they will want more federal help..go back to your mommies basement commie

    2. They voted the Democrats in so live or die by their laws

  3. When the power company cuts off the power in a fire how do you charge your battery car to evacuate?

    1. Ride the windmill out of there

    2. Environmentally un-friendly solar panels! (as long as the smoke is not blocking the sun out, lol! )

    3. Awesome question 11:16

  4. Yeah, like he said, burn, baby burn. California is getting what it deserves.

  5. California is a beautiful state but I wouldn't live there because of wildfires, earthquakes and mud slides. And the cost of living is ridiculous!

    1. I wouldn't live there either, because commicrats live there, too many of those on maryland as well


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