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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Bill Maher: Hey! Ho! The Clintons Have Got to Go

On Friday night, HBO host and liberal commentator Bill Maher, once again, said something most Americans can get behind: the Clintons need to "go away" and by go away, we mean they should step away from politics and enjoy the retired life.

"It seems like every few months Hillary Clinton bubbles up again. And people like 'She’s thinking about running again' or she says something crazy," Maher said. "You know, last Friday there was a news dump. They exonerated her again about the emails. You know, I’m not - it’s not about that but the Clintons, they gotta go away."

According to the late night host, both Hillary and Bill need to also avoid the Democratic National Convention. In his mind, it's dangerous for the Democrats to be associated with the Clintons. If Hillary, in particular, stays prevalent, then she is a "Donald Trump asset."



  1. I think Hillary should run for prison trustee after her conviction.

  2. I suggest Willy, Hilliary, and Chilly need to go far away...Pluto is a great idea!

  3. Let her Run again just to LOOSE again !!! LOL LOL

  4. Kid Love Production company. Nah that’s not creep Billy

  5. Hey Ho, I totally agree, just wish it would happen.

  6. 713 I looked it up your right. WHY would a single man with no kids living in Hollywood name his company that??


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