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Monday, October 28, 2019

Biden: If You Like Your Health Care Plan ‘You Can Keep It’

Former vice president Joe Biden told voters they will be able to keep their health care plans under his campaign proposal, echoing Barack Obama's infamous talking point.

Biden has seen his polling lead narrow, amid increased support for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), each of whom supports Medicare for All. The former vice president emphasized that his plan, which would maintain and build on Obamacare while implementing a broad public option, will give Americans more choice in the insurance market.

"Under my plan, if you negotiated an agreement for health care with your employer, union, or otherwise, and you like it because you’ve given up wages to get it, you can keep it," Biden said during a campaign event on Wednesday. "It should be your choice. But if you don’t like it you can leave it."


Obama made the exact same promise about the ACA


  1. L..., L..., Pants on fire!

  2. Heard that lie before...fool me once.

  3. He is an old F'in Liar

    I hate liars

  4. That is what Obama said and he lied and destroyed our health system.

  5. These idiots said they fixed healthcare when they forced in Obamacare now they want to fix it again. Healthcare will never be fixed it’s now a political football to be exploited every 4 years

  6. Biden is not going to change his Obama Era ways. You know what is real sad is that people out there believe him OMG!!!!!

  7. What an addled old fool.

  8. Echoes of the wretched, evil Obama! He totally destroyed our health insurance and medical care. No more of anything that even remotely resembles anything that Obama said or did. He was the biggest disaster this country has ever or ever will see.

  9. Democrooks would rather climb a greasy pole and lie, than stand on the ground and tell the truth. All commicrats are liars.

  10. Just like he's going to cure cancer during his administration

  11. Who really likes their insurance? Most people are stuck with whatever their employer can get for the cheapest price each year.

  12. I see lil sleepy is still licking his man-love obammy's backside...obammy used you sleepy joe you FOOL !!!


  13. Biden isn't smart enough to open his mail.

    His surviving kids fit that bill also.

  14. Most true comment of the day 5:47 ! Crappy healthcare plan that the company can barely afford, exponentially high deductibles, no vision, no dental and sh*tty providers whose sole purpose is to NOT cover that ! Put it together with overpriced medicine and hospitals overcharging you for TP and Tylenol (who forget to even turn it in to your sh*tty provider in the first place). Next comes wage garnishment for your luxury stay in PRMC Suites. Worker gets screwed again and again. You can't help but wonder why working people are so sick? LOL!


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