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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Beto O'Rourke Announces Support for Menstrual Equity Act on National Period Day

Not to be outdone by Cory Booker's "women are people" moment in the last debate, Beto O'Rourke decided to virtue signal his pro-woman accolades on Saturday by tweeting that "women across America don’t have access to the period products they need," and since it is #NationalPeriodDay (who knew that was a thing?), that "men need to join women in demanding real change." Beto wants "real change" and identifies as a man for the moment (at least until he needs a Hail Mary for his campaign) and he's announced his support for the Menstrual Equity Act.
"In detention centers and in prisons, in big cities and small towns, women across America don’t have access to the period products they need. On #NationalPeriodDay, men need to join women in demanding real change—which is why I’m supporting the Menstrual Equity Act."

And yes, it appears that the Menstrual Equity Act is a real thing. H.R. 1882, otherwise known as the Menstrual Equity For All Act of 2019. Apparently Beto thinks women across America have never heard of a pharmacy. Oh but wait, this absurd legislation isn't just for women! According to GovTrack, this legislation will "increase the availability and affordability of menstrual hygiene products for individuals with limited access, and for other purposes."



  1. Wow this guy is insane..God help us please

  2. Not one pair of balls amoung these libbies. LMAO...

  3. Beto needs some...

  4. How did this guy ever get elected? And in Texas no less.

  5. WTF is this idiot doing? I think he is PMSing

  6. Beto probably needs tampons

  7. what a crazy shemale this pos is!!!

  8. I agree 100% with Beto. As a woman I shouldn’t have to leave my home and pay for something that should be free and delivered to my doorstep. Free tampons for all woman.

  9. Maybe you guys (and I assume you are all males) could take a moment and think about this. When you use a public bathroom, at work, at school, in a shopping center, gas station, airplane, anywhere - Isn't there always FREE toilet paper. Isn’t there toilet paper in EVERY bathroom you have ever used- even porta potties. Isn’t that to take care of and clean up after a natural function of the human body? Now tell me how is a women’s menstrual period any different? She is shedding her uterine lining because it was not needed to host a fetus that month. Just like the poop you poop, which is stuff your body does not need any more. Why should women have to panic when their period starts unexpectedly (no, we can not predict it to the moment.) What is so egregiously wrong in recognizing that women have menstrual periods and providing the products they need to be feel clean and avoid embarrassment?

    Here’s a thought guys - go to the bathroom, poop, and don't clean yourselves. Why should women, poor, unprepared, just not expecting their periods to start, have to feel just as unclean? Why don't you slow down and think about 51% of the population? Ask your wives, your girlfriends, your daughters, how many times they’ve had to improvise in a very awkward situation.

    I agree that a National Period Day sounds pretty ridiculous but if it opens eyes and minds to a true and reasonable need, I’m all for it.

  10. You must stick just anything up you. Most women have a certain pad or tampon they like, hence all the different brands. Allergies, comfort, etc. Toilet paper is a little bit different. File for an EBT card then you can get alot of stuff free. Sounds like that's what you want.

  11. National Period Day! That's bloody ridiculous. Are they all going to have their periods on that day? If so, the world is going to end.


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