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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Bernie Sanders to Black Student: ‘Respect’ Cops ‘So that You Don’t Get Shot in the Back of the Head’

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) participated in a criminal justice forum at Benedict College on Saturday and told a black male student — who asked for advice on how to handle an interaction with a police officer — to “respect what they [police officers] are doing so that you don’t get shot in the back of the head.”

Sanders participated in the Second Step Presidential Justice Forum at the historically black college on Saturday and took a question from an audience member, who asked, “If I was your son, what advice would you give me the next time I would be pulled over by a police officer?”

The presidential hopeful told the student that he would suggest politely asking for the officer’s name and stressed respecting what the officer is doing “so that you don’t get shot in the back of the head.”



  1. “so that you don’t get shot in the back of the head.”

    What an absolutely stupid thing to say.

    Sometimes I had at least a smidgeon of respect for Bernie, but this precludes that happening again.


  2. Sanders is stirring the race pot

  3. So he is actually saying "Arm up the police can't be trusted to protect us"

  4. It's about the only sensible thing that man has said in the last few years: be respectful to police officers.
    Have you noticed that just about every police involved shooting occurred AFTER an altercation started by the perpetrator being belligerent, obstinate or ignoring a police officers requests???

  5. Sounds like his association with Hillary is weighing on his subconscious..

  6. He also said, "If you have information that could put the Clinton's in Prison, never talk about it or say anything, so you don't commit suicide with a bullet or two in the back of your head".

  7. And I thought old Joe Biden put his foot in his mouth SMH!


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