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Friday, October 18, 2019

Berlin Paid $68K To Terminate Allen

BERLIN – Town officials announced this week severance pay to Berlin’s former town administrator amounted to slightly more than $68,000.

At a meeting of the Berlin Town Council Tuesday, officials shared that firing Laura Allen cost the town $68,048.89.

“I know from a professional perspective this is an extremely conservative severance package,” said Jeff Fleetwood, who is now the acting town administrator.

Allen was fired in September, when officials criticized her handling of a chemical spill at Heron Park, among other issues. Her contract ran from January 2017 to June of 2021, according to Fleetwood.

“The contract was not paid out in its duration,” he said. “Payout was actually three months of regular pay plus all accrued vacation and sick time.”



  1. A bargain if it were twice the price.

  2. wont cost a dime to get rid of the dumocrat worthless mayor and council!

  3. $ 68,000.00 = 3 months regular pay + accrued vacation? That's a lot of money, I wonder how much vacation she had? It must be nice

  4. I wonder what she did that was so bad about that spill? Is she a Hazmat Technician? Shouldn't that have been handled by the Berlin Fire Department and Worcester County Emergency Services?

    1. Why would it be handled by them when the town knowingly bought that contaminated property.

  5. I wonder if they will hire Rick Pollit?


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