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Thursday, October 24, 2019

'Be Careful What You Wish For' - Establishment Democrats Are Looking For A "Savior" To Enter The Race

Establishment Democrats are becoming extremely nervous, because they are starting to realize that the field of candidates currently running for the Democratic nomination is exceedingly weak.

The campaign is nearly a year old, there have been nationally televised debates month after month, and at this point only three candidates in the field have any chance of winning. All of the other candidates have completely flopped, and establishment Democrats are deeply concerned about the weaknesses of the three candidates that are still standing. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are considered to be way too liberal to win a general election, and Joe Biden has been slipping in the polls and his fundraising numbers have been absolutely terrible.

With just a few months left until voting begins, many establishment Democrats are now desperate for a “savior” to come along and bail them out, and that could potentially result in a very familiar name entering the race.



  1. Just what america needs, another commie running for president.


  2. "..and that could potentially result in a very familiar name entering the race..."

    All the more reason to make sure she's doing it from a jail cell.

  3. Harris and Hillary Clinton I bet will run

  4. There are some who would vote for Hillary if she were...

  5. I would vote for her.
    To go to prison.

  6. So.....2020 Democratic candidates are all losers; could have told you that 6 months ago.

  7. We already have our savior ..........Vote Trump 2020.


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