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Thursday, October 24, 2019

At least five House Democrats used the term ‘lynching’ to describe Clinton impeachment

Several House Democrats have been outed for using the term “lynching” to describe former President Bill Clinton’s impeachment after President Trump was blasted for doing the same.

On Tuesday, members of both political parties condemned Trump for calling the impeachment proceedings against him “a lynching.”

Among those criticizing Trump were Illinois Rep. Danny K. Davis and New York Rep. Gregory Meeks. Both took to Twitter to question the president’s use of the term.



  1. Everybody just needs to calm down. On all sides of the political isle.

    That stated, pointing out that your opponent did something wrong, does not make it ok for you to do something wrong.

    We should have the same standard for all politicians, regardless of their party affiliation.

    There is a tendency to ignore your teams indiscretions, but that is part of the problem. The IS the swamp.

  2. Well of course; the old "double standard" alive and well in D.C. Admittedly I am a conservative but sure getting tired of the shenanigans; time to move on. The DNC claims they can "walk and chew gum at the same time", obviously not. This congress has done NOTHING these past 34 months; precedent is set, wait until there is a GOP congress with a Democrat President. Here that Joe/Hillary?

  3. With any of them it's do as I say, not do as I do.

  4. I'm still at a loss to see what "racial divide" the claim Trump to be engaged in that isn't manufactured by the Democratic party. It's all empty rhetoric.

  5. All democrats are liars, cheaters, thieves, murderers, stupid, hypocritical, brain dead, ugly, common, nasty, deadbeat, snow flake, lazy, crazy, communists. I have a few other things to call them but Joe would not print it.

  6. @ October 24, 2019 at 9:29 AM

    You know who Democrats are? Half the population, and almost all made up entirely of self identifying Christians.

    Are you implying half of America and Christians are liars, cheaters, thieves, murderers, stupid, hypocritical, brain dead, ugly, common, nasty, deadbeat, snow flake, lazy, crazy, communists?

    Or are you simply parroting a confirmation bias pleasing media news entertainment source that spewed this rhetoric in an attempt to stroke that bias and keep you watching so it could sell more advertising?

    Gotta be better than this folks. Demand the facts. Ask if the conclusions make sense. This partisan poison is the problem. Partisan poison is the swamp.

  7. If they vote democrook yes they are all of those things. Millions of babies murdered every year, you can keep your doctor, the desire for illegals to vote without even bringing up the fiasco in Florida last election and dead people voting for commucrats, and Bengazi and the russia hoax, and the movement from the workonh mans pocket to the lazy. So yes if they voted semocrat they are all of hose things and especially a communist


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