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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

'Angel mom' calls O’Rourke’s open border policy a ‘slap in the face’

An "angel mom" bashed Beto O’Rourke for supporting lax immigration policies that she believes contributed to the death of her son.

Mary Ann Mendoza’s son was killed after an illegal immigrant struck his vehicle while driving drunk and high on methamphetamine.

In a weekend op-ed with USA Today, Mendoza pointed to a campaign stop in Phoenix, Arizona, where a woman asked O’Rourke why he was "pandering to illegal aliens." O’Rourke called the woman’s comments a “slap in the face” to American values and tied her rhetoric to the family separation policies that had been in place at the border.

"What is a slap in the face to my conscience and the best traditions of this country is taking kids from their parents and putting them in cages," O’Rourke told the woman. "Those immigrants pose no threat to you."


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