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Monday, October 07, 2019

ANALYSIS: Slipping in polls, Kamala Harris scrambles for winning message

After a summer of steadily declining in the polls and fundraising growing stagnant, Kamala Harris is trying to project strength as she tries to get her footing back in the 2020 Democratic presidential race.

The California senator and her campaign staff continue to tell reporters that she remains in the top-tier of presidential candidates, though polls repeatedly show her in fifth place, far behind Sens. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Bernie Sanders of Vermont, and Joe Biden. She also lags South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg in fundraising and polls.

“Of course I’m part of that top tier, and we all know that,” Harris said last month in New Hampshire.



  1. If only she could sleep her way to the top. Oh wait, she's already done that...

  2. Slip this in Your winning message democrats..MAGA 2020


  3. She was top or bottom tier, depending upon Willie Brown's wishes on a given day. That's who she is!

  4. Tell her to go away and smoke so more weed.

  5. This one will be irrelevant yet a pain in the collective American behind for years to come.

  6. Their all losers


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