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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

1600 Daily

WATCH: One giant leap for womankind

Far above our atmosphere, Astronauts Christina Koch and Jessica Meir stepped outside the International Space Station on Friday—the first-ever all-female spacewalk.

President Donald J. Trump called them from the White House during their historic mission, marking the first time since 1969 that an American President has spoken to our astronauts while they were outside their spaceship.

“I just want to congratulate you both. You’re very brave, brilliant women, and you represent this country so well,” the President said. “Our country is very proud of you.”

During the call, the astronauts praised all the female pioneers who came before them and made this incredible moment possible. “There has been a long line of female scientists, explorers, engineers, and astronauts, and we have followed in their footsteps to get us where we are today,” Dr. Meir said.

“We hope that we can provide an inspiration to everybody [who] has a big dream and that is willing to work hard to make that dream come true,” she added. “Something that all of us that have made our way up here have done all throughout our lives. And I can tell you, the hard work certainly did pay off.”

In photos: President Trump calls in for the first all-female spacewalk.

🎬 President Trump: This is a “first step”—the next stop is the Moon.

See the biggest moments from today’s Cabinet meeting

President Trump allowed the press to sit in on his Cabinet meeting for over an hour today—yet another example of how this President is the most open, transparent, and media-friendly leader in our country’s recent history.

Three important moments from the President’s opening remarks are worth your time in particular:


  1. Dumbass doesn't know anything. This was not the first ever spacewalk by a female astronaut.

  2. 2:41
    Seems you are the dumbass. He never said it was. He said it was the first ALL female space walk.

  3. Pelosi throwing a "BULLYING" female temper tantrum. She wanted tp be the first woman President and since she is not that intelligent she wanted to be the first woman to walk in space,


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