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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

1.1 Million Migrants Crossed into U.S. in FY2019, Nearly Half-Million Families

The apprehension of migrants who crossed the border into the U.S. reached 1.1 million during Fiscal Year 2019. More than 850,000 crossed into the U.S. illegally. Of those, nearly a half-million of the migrants were family units.

During Fiscal Year 2019, which ended on September 30, U.S.Border Patrol agents and CBP officers apprehended more than 1,148,000 migrants who crossed the border from Mexico into the U.S., according to year-end numbers released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection on Tuesday in El Paso. The El Paso Sector witnessed the largest percentage increase of illegal border crossings in all categories.

The apprehension of migrants illegally crossing the border is at the highest level since 2007, when agents apprehended 858,638. The apprehension of family units was not tracked in 2007, but this year marks a record for the category–473,000. This number is nearly quadrupled 2018’s report of 107,490 migrant family apprehensions. Prior to that, there had never been more than 100,000 family apprehensions in a single year.



  1. Northwest Woodsman: I firmly believe that Marxist democrats really determined to destroy this country. There is absolutely no other answer. I am saddled with several step kids who are f@#$ing democrats two of whom actually were employed by Harry Reid. I just told my friends that they were prostitutes in D.C as that saved me embarrassment as prostitution would be a much more honorable profession. I find it really difficult to be civil to them knowing their political alignments even though we never discuss politics. Going to visit them over thanksgiving holiday and I dread it!

  2. I feel that today's youth are very immuture. Bring back the draft for both male and female and see how our society changes for the better. I am suggesting that our Government teach respect, responsibility etc. Yes, that is correct. Only because our parenting has failed. We are free today to be disrespectful and to do as we please without question and that is do the young men and women who made it do. It is a shame to see how entitled young people are today. I have a granddaughter who feels entitled. Her Mother has a strong work ethic such as myself and my husband - where did we go wrong?

  3. Wish they all could have been camped on the lawns of Hillary, Obama, and Pelosi.


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