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Friday, September 06, 2019

When Will Big City Democrats Stop Enabling Illegal Immigration?

There is no clearer and more shameful example of betrayal in modern American politics than Big City Democrats who support foreigners over their own citizens.

“Democrat lawmakers care more about illegal aliens than they care about their own constituents,” President Trump said at his recent rally in Cincinnati, reiterating the point he made earlier when he criticized Democrat Representative Elijah Cummings for complaining about conditions at the border while ignoring the terrible plight of his own constituents in inner-city Baltimore.

Liberal media types will dismiss the President’s latest remark as “racism,” like always, but that only means that they’re either too obtuse or too blinded by partisan rage to recognize that Donald Trump is really just sounding the alarm about a crisis that has been allowed to fester for decades by Democrat public officials who are too busy chasing national headlines to pay attention to the problems in their own backyards.



  1. This is coming from SOROS.

  2. When the party is eradicated from politics! They are the only votes they have left!

  3. When They are in Prison !!!

  4. When they no longer benefit from it.

  5. When we all step up and arrest them for violating the federal law.
    US code 8 sec. 1324
    It is time we as American Citizens started citizen arrest of these criminals.

  6. Illegal immigration is good for the environment then why are radicals demanding population control?

  7. When we arrest them and charge them with treason it will stop!


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