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Monday, September 30, 2019

‘What we all saw is something we should never see in Ocean City ever’

OCEAN CITY — Everything is on the table after another intolerable unsanctioned motorized event had the resort community “under siege” for much of the weekend.

For the record, the official H2O International (H2Oi) car show was held in Atlantic City for the second straight year last weekend, but, as expected, a huge contingent of car enthusiasts hell-bent on wreaking havoc in Ocean City arrived anyway. Throughout the weekend, Ocean City witnessed the same lawlessness and blatant disrespect from the unregistered, unsanctioned participants for the entire community, its police department and allied law enforcement agencies that have long been associated with the event weekend.

As expected, there were thousands of tricked-out vehicles cruising up and down Coastal Highway and other roadways throughout town and thousands more along the sidewalks and in business parking lots egging them on.

When the dust settled and most of the car enthusiasts cleared out by Sunday evening, left in their wake were trashed parking lots and a community still trying to find answers for the challenging problems. In a prepared statement issued on Sunday morning after a particularly raucous Saturday night, Mayor Rick Meehan said what took place in Ocean City over the weekend “can never happen again.”



  1. Excellent Mayor! Very professional and well said. Keep up the good work.

  2. Rumor circulating they’re coming back in two weeks

    1. Not likely but I’m sure LE is monitoring that

  3. You all realize that we are considered by the prestitutes to be an "unsanctioned" political party right.

  4. A very simple solution to the problem. Establish a tow & impound law for any motor vehicle infraction. Can't get the car until you go to court which could be a couple weeks away. Take them all over to the park and ride lot.

    Just do it!

  5. Rick Meehan is playing with fire if he thinks he can ban a whole class of people from OC. OC will be burnt (legally).

  6. Rick can't stop anybody from visiting OC. That's a fact Jack.

    1. No but he can make it a miserable experience that could take years for them to financially recover from

  7. Rickie better be wearing his pee pants from here on out!

  8. Rick can’t take care of his own laundry much less others


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