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Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Walmart to stop selling handgun ammunition

Walmart says it will discontinue the sale of handgun ammunition and also publicly request that customers refrain from openly carrying firearms in stores even where state laws allow it.

The announcement comes just days after a mass shooting claimed seven lives in Odessa, Texas and follows two other back-to-back shootings last month, one of them at a Walmart store.

The Bentonville, Arkansas-based discounter said Tuesday it will stop selling short-barrel and handgun ammunition after it runs out of its current inventory. It will also discontinue handgun sales in Alaska, marking its complete exit from handguns and allowing it to focus on hunting rifles and related ammunition only.



  1. I never bought a firearm from Walmart I always preferred the mom and pop shops. Ammo on the other hand I had often purchased at Walmart. So it's a big win for the mom and pop stores they just get more of our business.

  2. jake Day supporter, AOC supporter...very stupid progressiveSeptember 3, 2019 at 9:08 PM

    they better stop selling BB guns too

  3. Walmart is really going to be hurting when you buy your slim jims and 2 liter sodas elsewhere 8:42!


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