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Wednesday, September 04, 2019

Vegan sues neighbors over smell of barbecued meat in their backyards

(KUTV) — A vegan woman's beef with her neighbors -- over barbecuing meat in their backyard -- was so serious that she sued them... taking the case all the way to Australia's Supreme Court, according to Nine News Australia.

The woman, Cilla Carden of Perth also demanded her neighbors stop smoking and bouncing balls in their backyard, but Carden's biggest issue is the smell of meat cooking. Fish specifically.

Carden told 9News:

They've put it there so I smell fish, all I can smell is fish. I can't enjoy my backyard, I can't go out there. It's been devastating, it's been turmoil, it's been unrest, I haven't been able to sleep.



  1. And I thought America was the only country ate up with the dumbass...

  2. So is the expectation the neighbor needs to forfeit their rights to enjoy their backyard? Really has become ridiculous and incredibly hypocritical. So very frustrating...

  3. Move period i wish my neighbors who are vegan would try ill buy 10 more smokers and theyd move

  4. Darn shame what is happening in Australia.

  5. "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

    -George Orwell

    This is the left in a nutshell. Their rights and beliefs are superior to everyone else's.

  6. I would invite all my friends and do a pig roast f this bitch.


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