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Friday, September 06, 2019

UPDATED: Boston judge declines calls to drop charges against dozens of 'straight pride parade' counterprotesters

A Boston judge refused to drop charges against protesters of the "straight pride parade" who tussled with police.

Boston Municipal Court Judge Richard J. Sinnott saw about three dozen protesters on Tuesday night. He declined to drop various charges brought against the activists ranging from disorderly conduct to assaulting police, according to the Boston Globe.

The activists had protested the straight pride event earlier that day, accusing the parade's organizers of endangering LGBT people. Later, the parade's counterprotesters began fighting with police and injured four officials.



  1. If you disagree with a libby you are a racist. If they disagree with you, they want to beat, burn and destroy...

  2. Good about time these judges stopped being so easy on these idiot protesters

  3. Silly counterprotesters.


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