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Sunday, September 01, 2019

UPDATE: Baltimore City Now America's Third Most Funded School System

As Annapolis is set to pump more money into Baltimore City Schools, we’re learning the district has moved up in national rankings for spending.

Baltimore City Schools is now the third most-funded school system among the 100 largest in America, according to the U.S. Census for 2019. Last year, when City Schools was ranked fifth in the nation, it spent $15,168 per student. Now, it’s spending $16,184 or nearly $1,000 more per student. That puts Baltimore at number three, behind only New York City and Boston.

According to the 2019 census data, three other Maryland school systems also rank in the top ten for student spending. Baltimore City is followed by Montgomery, Howard and Prince George’s Counties. And these numbers may be going up this coming year. As part of the Kirwan Commission, lawmakers in Annapolis voted to increase public school funding by hundreds of millions of dollars.



  1. It's like a boat. Just pour money into it even if it's sinking.

  2. Hummmm throw money at it and the problem will be fixed. That doesn't work ever look at the tests results from Baltimore City PG County the lowest in the state. Yet we spend more per child there than anywhere else. Democratic politicians at there best way to go governor Hooligan. I know it's not 100% his responsibility but leadership starts at the top and the failure begins where leadership starts.

  3. Unbelievable, the corruption is increadible

  4. Waste of State tax dollars
    Baltimore is a hole where tax dollar go to be wasted and die
    Can't teach someone that doesn't want to learn or change
    Not only are Maryland tax payers ripped off for Baltimore schools, they pay for the Police, Baltimore City Jail, and Bus system just to list a few
    Baltimore is the never ending blood / tax sucker of Maryland

  5. yeah, and what about their test scores? Let's see what the taxpayers are getting for the money they are spending.

  6. Start Sarcasm
    "Boy, those kids must be getting a great education with all that money spent."
    End Sarcasm

    Your HTML cannot be accepted: Tag is not closed: A
    You can use some HTML tags.
    Placed a tag on both sides, but can't make it work. Anyone have any hints?

  7. It sure is a good thing that all of those millions come from gamblers, right? (wink, wink)

  8. All that money must mean they are getting a great education.

    @ 8:58 because exact Sintax matters

  10. And they will still be dumber than a box of rocks

  11. So ARE WE READY FOR SCHOLL VOUCHERS YET!!! GET IT ON THE BALLOT..THE Only way to fix stupid is vote out the criminal democrats..thats the whole friggin bunch

  12. So ARE WE READY FOR SCHOLL VOUCHERS YET!!! GET IT ON THE BALLOT..THE Only way to fix stupid is vote out the criminal democrats..thats the whole friggin bunch

  13. Hogan quit giving Baltimore my money and give it back to me so I can live comfortable and afford my health care and drugs, Food on my table and shelter.

  14. Twelve years of school and a third grade education. (If that).


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