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Friday, September 27, 2019

Trump to cut number of refugees allowed in U.S. to lowest ever

Washington — The Trump administration on Thursday announced it plans to admit the lowest number of refugees in U.S. history over the next 12 months, placing a cap of fewer than 20,000 spots for millions of people around the world displaced by war, ethnic conflict and other forms of persecution.

The U.S. is planning to resettle no more than 18,000 refugees in fiscal year 2020, which begins next month. The new ceiling represents the third consecutive and lowest ever reduction of spots for a refugee admissions program created in 1980 that has repeatedly come under fire from President Trump and immigration hardliners in his administration.

Since former President Obama outlined a 110,000 year cap for his final year in office, his successor reduced that number to 45,000 in fiscal year 2018 and then to 30,000, the current limit. The new ceiling — which will be officially instituted after the White House consults with Congress — represents the latest effort by the administration to overhaul the nation's legal immigration system.



  1. F them all, close the border!
    We got homeless Americans, till that problem is fixed, no one should be allowed in.

  2. Good. Now cut it to zero and start exiling folks who call themselves (____)-Americans.

  3. Good, we are sick and tired of these freeloaders coming into America. We are sick of being the welfare office of the world. If they have problems in their countries, let them fight to make it better. Like our ancestors did.


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