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Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Trump ends U.S./China Trade War

Washington DC—After months of growing trade tensions between the US and China leading to an impending global recession, along with mounting strife in China’s Hong Kong province prompting dissidents to wave American flags, US President Donald Trump has negotiated quite possibly the biggest deal of his life : the US will trade the entire state of California for Hong Kong in a flat exchange.

“Basically almost everyone in California wants to be communist and Hong Kong wants to be American, so we did what we call a win-win-win and traded the two in a tremendous deal,” Trump said in a press conference announcing the unprecedented deal.
Markets responded with a complete turnaround from recent declines and posted record numbers.

Californians and Hong Kongers were dancing in their respective streets—Californians happy about the 1-child-only policy and being run by the Communist Party finally!—and Hong Kong is happy about being part of the free world once again.


  1. Some of you need to reevaluate what you think communism is. Don't get a say in who your representatives will be? Sounds like communism. Or is it the law that 4 Republican states just passed. Our democracy is going to shit because you're all too worried about red vs blue

  2. Yeah only after China declared that in five years they would no longer need American manufacturing companies or their components to further flood the market now that they have the skill and our intellectual property to do so. The sleeping giant awakens.

  3. I know it's not real but San Fran for Hong Kong sounds like an even trade- size, population, topography, and climate wise.

  4. 1:56pm///......its not a democracy....IT's a REPUBLIC, if we can keep it! Wake yourself up, learn, crawl out of your brainwashed utopia.

  5. 1;56 WHAT? i think you referring to Something like the democratic stanglehold dems have on Md

  6. I'd back peddle to the Library Bubba or Google it. There are no modern Republics and most fell to Fascism and inner turmoil by political opportunists that appealed to their class underlings that aspired to be as wealthy and powerful as they as we are seeing now with this Bozo farce.
    You can call yourself a Republican in the modern mode but you should really know what it means historically.


  7. 1:56 Are you writing from Venezuela? Or mainland China? Or North Korea?

    You are partially correct that the Republican Party in several states has decided not to go to the expense and effort of putting on primary elections for president next year. There is a Republican president and he's declared his intention to seek reelection. So why tilt at windmills?

    There are 3 former office holders who were elected as Republicans previously before wandering away. They could just as easily try to hop into the Democrat clown car.

    I rush to assure you that you can write in the name of anyone you please for Congress or President. Practice your penmanship!

  8. My pension thanks you President Trump.


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