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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Trump Campaign Celebrates Impeachment: Thank You Democrats, You Just Re-elected POTUS With a Landslide

The Trump campaign is celebrating House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's announcement Tuesday evening to open an "impeachment inquiry" into President Trump. 
"Democrats can't beat President Trump on his policies or his stellar record of accomplishment, so they're trying to turn a Joe Biden scandal into a Trump problem. The misguided Democrat impeachment strategy is meant to appease their rabid, extreme, leftist base, but will only serve to embolden and energize President Trump's supporters and create a landslide victory for the President," the Trump campaign released in a statement. 
And they've already released this ad



  1. I will never vote for one of those Nazi/Commie/Socialist so and so's.

  2. I know how I'm voting. There isn't a Democrat in the running that deserves it.

    1. TRUMP 2020
      I Hope it's a huge landslide

  3. There isn't a Democrat alive that deserves it.

  4. Only Muslims and illegal immigrants will be voting Democrat this year I see they turn their back on the working class and they have no class isn't that a coincidence

    1. Illegal immigrants aren't supposed to be voting. It's illegal

  5. DITTO 7:59 AM. The left is so full of corruption and deceit they stink. I also hope the 2020 victory will bring to an end the fake media outlets like CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, etc. America has had to ingest the bitter pill needed from the ineptness of previous administrations. Sadly corruption has crept into the Democratic party and is full of radical loons who are only interested in their own agenda and don't give a whit about constituents.

  6. If you think the Muller Report was a "nothing-burger", this will be the Super-sized Big-Mac of nothing-burgers.
    Little do they know that, by starting the impeachment process on POTUS Trump, it opens a huge can of worms as evidence of democratic corruption under the Obama administration and pay-for-access. i.e. Clinton Foundation, etc.
    Yes, Nancy and Omar and Chuck... you just sealed the deal for a second term for Donald J. Trump. Everyone, except for the die-hard Kool-aid drinkers, will see right through this.

  7. I have donated $100.00 to the Republican Party for President in the last eight elections. This impeachment has changed all that. This election I will donate $200.00

  8. Libbies are sad little creatures that I have no empathy for at all !!!

  9. The impeachment proceedings are to set an example for POTUS abusing his power for political gain, directly against his oath.

    Farmers have never, ever needed as much government handouts as they have received this presidency. But hey, socialism is okay if it goes to farmers right?

    Both parties are horribly broken and our political system is being exploited for financial gain DAILY. Perhaps the true Patriots will wake up soon.


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